WAJEB PROJECT 2022-2023: PART II Contract period:
15th of September 2022 – 15th of September 2023
20 youths from Balata Refugee camp and the camp organizations.
Targeted group:
GIZ/ZFD (Civil Peace Service CPS) PART II.
Research paper, Stress Relief, social and Conflict Transformation,
Advocacy, creative thinking, and media skills.
The main outcome of the political and economic instability in the Palestinian situation has fueled the rise of tribal/indigenous power, mainly in refugee camps. This has further alienated young people from socio-political and cultural engagement. Existing the governance of the political system, dominated by paternalistic thinking, offer limited scope for community participation, marginalizing further youth voices. Under this growing of shrinking spaces for participation, the absence of strong institutions, the clear lack of inter-institutional coordination, particularly between official education institutions and CSOs, and the absence of genuine dialogue combine to make these young people more susceptible to incitement, misinformation, and radicalization. The use of media plays a crucial role primarily in creating a space for negative interactions among young people. Youth efforts and potential, therefore, are wasted on never-ending arguments, mostly ill-informed debates on social media platforms. Although young people are increasingly distancing themselves from politics, they still experience the ramifications of this political paralysis. The lack of safe spaces where they can participate, grow, and lead is creating frustration among them, providing the perfect conditions for incitement, fear, misinformation, clouded judgment, extremism, and further alienation to flourish. This alienation also exacerbates negative stereotypes and stigmas about refugee camps regardless of the reality that the most of camp residents is not included in, protected from, or empowered to act against violent acts.