Contract period:
1st of November 2022 – 1st of August 2023
Young Leaders and Mid-level Professionals Come From All Areas of the West Bank, Having Various Political, Ideological, and Social Backgrounds.
Targeted group:
Bridging Insight
Soft skills training, Conflict transformation, Negotiation,
Peacebuilding, Human Rights, and democracy training.
The Palestinian society has undergone decades of conflict under Israeli occupation, experiencing violence and socio-political repression. Since the 2006 Palestinian national elections, external conflict dynamics have been exacerbated by internal divisions between Palestinian political factions leading to domestic divisions and intensification of violence. This general instability and the continuation of the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land and the construction of the segregation wall have further inhibited personal security, freedom of movement, and political expression and exacerbated already high rates of unemployment, corruption, and economic volatility. These contribute to the overall disillusionment of the Palestinians with their political leadership and other elite stakeholders.
This dynamic profoundly affects Palestinian youth who make up 30 percent of the entire population in the West Bank and Gaza. Perceptions prevail that youth are not equipped with enough knowledge and knowhow and thus are not given the opportunity to be included in community engagement, entrepreneurship, development, and political processes. Therefore, as a result of that, they lack access to socio-political processes weakening their voice and ability to advocate for and determine their future. This sense of exclusion is exacerbated among female youth in particular, and – combined with insufficient education and economic opportunities for the majority – fosters among males and females alike, a sense of frustration.
The SCD suggests implementing a process-oriented program using the ICA facilitation tool and conscious conversation to have a deep and comprehensive analysis of the political, cultural, identity, and religious background of the conflict, the training workshops will be fully documented and produce specific material, documentation, technical equipment, and media campaign by SCD for the practical works. All these materials will be prepared specifically for the needs of the training programs to be implemented by the trainers/facilitators with clear TOR’s and guidelines from the SCD and Bi’s. Mersat project